
First the fish must say, how did I get on this camel ride and why am I so damn thirsty?!

I am not I. I am this one walking beside me whom I do not see, whom at times I manage to visit, and whom at other times I forget; who remains calm and silent while I talk, and forgives, gently, when I hate, who walks where I am not, who will remain standing when I die.
I am not I”, by Juan Ramon Jimenez, translated by Robert Bly


Anyone who has followed their inner creative muse, their dream life, or gone down the proverbial rabbit hole, knows that there are life experiences that defy our full understanding yet inform us profoundly.

My own experience of dreaming has in many ways had the strongest influence on my life’s path. Through dreaming I have received and found healing, teaching, council, and insight. Further, the syncronicity of events and experiences in daily life are no less evocative and informing.

I’d bet you can remember a few times in your life where you heard an inner voice, or had a vision that rocked your world. These are the ~voices we cannot afford to ignore, and we know it. These are communique’s from our soul, spirit, our guidance, and/or our unconscious. The door’s of perception are infinite. Deep listening is the ~red pill, freedom is the mystery school.

With time I’ll grow this gallery further. The images reflect some of my personal experiences in symbolic form. My hope is they may also touch a transpersonal or archetypal chord in the viewer.